Home Storage — Tagged "Hygiene and Sanitation: Complete Toilet Sets, Survival Kit: Office, Survival Kit: School, Hygiene and Sanitation: Honey Bucket Toilet Seat, Cooking and Fuel: Stoves" — Emergency Zone

What People Are Saying:

Potty to go
"This was perfect for my road trip with my young daughter. It saved us time and kept us safe. My daughter is only 7 years old and we we traveling a long distance without my husband. It was perfect.
Also, came quickly when I placed the order."

Alicia D.

Complete Toilet Set - Potty Box | 22 JUN, 2020

Number 1 smells like lemons
"I was carrying kitty litter and sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't. The eco gel really works. I have to get the correct amount together. I found that doing your #1 first than adding the powder worked great. I used the whole packet the first time. So it gelled. But I guess I should have just added some each time. I will try it the right way on the next trip. Otherwise it definitely Works. I used a package each day on a 6 day camping trip and disposed of the bag each day. Much better and less bulky than kitty litter."

Michelle C.

Eco Gel | 12 AUG, 2020

"These buckets are so great!! I’m able to use the oldest food first. Bucket opens at both ends to refill on one end and take out of the other end. Genius!!!"


Flip Bucket | 25 MAY, 2020